1. BOARDBANDING—method for
evaluation and construction of job grading structure
5. ABSENTEEISM—Employees take leave
or not reporting to work.
7. BARS—scale to measure
rate of performance
8. JOBBIDDING—applicants are
required to compete with other applicants for job position
9. GENERATIONX—people are highly
educated,active,balanced happy
10. FLSA—A law valid in most
private and public sector organizations
12. EMPLOYMENTBRANDING—brands its firm
among the other employers
2. DOWNSIZING—process of reducing
the size of workforce
3. HAWTHOREEFFECT—tendency of humans
to work harder
4. KSA—measures how well a
candidate is suited for the job
6. GAGCLAUSE—employment contract
that restricts employee from sharing company's information
11. LAYOFF—reducing overall
size and operating costs of a company
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